It’s National Pi Day: 3.14 (but only in the United States, where we list dates backwards).

This is a Pi squared.

Last year we listed 3.14 reasons why pi(onus) are awesome. Here is my list of why I love my Mika girl:

  1. She’s nuts! Yesterday I walked in the door listening to my iPod and she flipped out. She spent the next 30 minutes flying after and arguing with it, even after I had turned it off and tried to put it away.
  2. When I drape my hand over the edge of her playtop and she runs up and pushes her head into my fingers demanding scritches.
  3. She never bites me, even when I’m doing something to her that she clearly doesn’t like (which lately involves me trying to remove her, for the zillionth time that day, from the top of the fridge).
    3.14 — dat delicious pi smell!

* We’re wishing you a happy “Pi Day”. Every day is a “happy pi” day 🙂